There are no words to encapsulate the pain of watching someone you love dearly fade before your eyes. Like a flower in the field so beautiful one moment but all too quickly the bloom has
2023-10-31 23:15:50
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From this award-winning author…Riveting Romance that will make you laugh, cry and challenge your thinking. Enjoy the emotional ride with a theme bigger than happily-ever-after (though HEA is written into every ending.) Join in the dance of trouble and tension, love and laughter. Blossom’s writing will both delight and disrupt your status quo of a satisfying romance novel. Expect to be entertained and enriched but also inspired to be all that YOU were meant to be.
Blossom Turner is a free-lance writer published in Chicken Soup and Kernels of Hope anthologies, former newspaper columnist on health and fitness, and a published novelist. She is a Word Guild semi-finalist for Anna's Secret, Katherine's Arrangement, Amelia's Heartsong and winner of the Word Guild Best Romance award for Lucinda's Defender. This year she has just completed the Shenandoah Brides Series of five sisters and their five love stories. But writing was a gift given later in life. Here is a snippet from her story...
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